Thursday, January 12, 2023

My Five News Sources of News

With the ever-changing digital age that we are living in, it is vital that we diversify our sources of news in order to ensure that we are receiving the most comprehensive view of the situation possible. This is largely in part because various new sources are likely to report on stories differently in order to cater to their differing target audiences. These are five sources of news that I regularly consume. 
My most regular source of news is Fox News . I view Fox News content through live television and through their app and Instagram accounts. I like this source for news because I feel like it can often offer an alternative view on stories compared to some more mainstream "left-leaning" sources such as The Washington Post and The New York Times. I do recognize that this source is heavily gearing toward their target market of middle-aged viewers who "identify or lean Republican". While some of the stories certainly feel biased, I can also argue that the platform critiques individuals that are often given "free passes" on the before-mentioned platforms. Another reason why I enjoy getting my information from Fox News is because it has been the most watch cable news network in the country for twenty one years in a row,  average 1.49 million viewers per day. 

I also like getting my news from podcasts via Spotify. The Daily Wire is one of my go-to media companies for dynamic, informing news podcasts. Each host offers an alternative view for pressing topics in today's news, often challenging the mainstream narrative. One thing that I really like about The Daily Wire is that the hosts are not trying to conform to a specific narrative on topics, but they share exactly how they feel, even when they have conflicting opinions within their own media company. I would say that this news platform is geared to the younger conservative generation. I think they cover stories that are often more "on trend" than stories covered by Fox News. Each podcast host has their own particular niche that they like to focus on. I like this approach because I like to know exactly what I am going to be listening to.  For example, Candace Owens generally has shows centered around the idea of "woke" pop culture and how she challenges those ideas. She also enjoys to speak to her own experience as a black woman in an age that is engulfed by the Black Lives Matter movement. I also really enjoy listening to Ben Shapiro. He, along with the other hosts in this media company, tend to challenge mainstream media in several ways. One particular reason why I value the information that Ben Shapiro share is that he criticizes both sides of the aisle if they are not preforming. I think that is something that is very valuable in today's increasingly polarized political climate. He also makes a significant effort to hire journalists and other employees who have either been silenced by other media outlets, or forced to leaved to due their beliefs on controversial topics. 

Another source that I receive my news from is various social media. I recognize that this is often not the most reliable source, but it is difficult not to consume news from social media with its glaring prominence in everyday life. It feel that it is not possible to go on social media without seeing any news stories. I see new stories most often on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and occasionally on Snapchat. This is a combination of news sites that are adding stories into my feed, but friends I follow reposting news stories as well. Most of the stories being reposted are not from well-known, reliable channels. They are from second hand accounts and not actual journalists. I am cautionary of these sources because I feel like they are tainted in an effort to be reposted by a large amount of people. If I see news stories that are reposted by masses of people, I tend to do my own research on the topic. 
The fourth source of news that I get my information from is my parents, mostly my dad. My dad does a lot of research when it comes to news, especially political news. I value his opinion because he makes sure to fully understand the topic before he speaks about it. If he does not know much about a topic, he is the first to admit that he does not know enough to speak about it. I really appreciate that because many people voice their opinion on a topic before they have done their research, and I believe that is the start of a lot of rumors and misinformation. As is the same with any source of news, I do not take it as truth and as a single source until I get information from other sources. 

The last source of of regular news that I consume is for local news. I mostly get my local news from the Portland Press Herald . I think it is very important to not only get news form national sources, but local as well. This particularly important for me during the weeks preceding the local elections. Local elections arguably have the most direct impact on one's day to day life, and it is very important to be well informed in this area before heading to the polls. I appreciate the Portland Press Herald because it is written for locals, by locals and addresses the most crucial issues instead of just the national headlines. One example of an issue that I have followed closely through the Portland Press Herald when the Maine lobster industry was facing backlash from federal lawmakers for not being a sustainable fishing practice. This is primarily due to the ongoing threat of the Right Whale population. I feel that this story is a prime example of the importance of local news outlets because if you do not live in the area, the bill proposed directly threatens the income of thousands of local fisherman. The national headlines often only highlight the political and environment complications of an issue, and it is important to remember that there are real people being impacted by the policies implemented in Washington. 

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