Tuesday, January 24, 2023

The Supreme Court

After watching the video assignment about The Supreme Court, I learned how pivotal tis branch of government is to the operations of our country. The checks and balance process that our government undergoes would not be possible without The Supreme Court. It ensures adequate balance of power amongst the three branches of government. 

The biggest thing that I learned from this video is that it is the most power judicial body on earth. I learned a lot about the Dred Scott Missouri case. I had heard about it before, but not in the detail that this video offered. He claimed freedom over act of Congress, and was later known as the country's "Great self-inflicted wound". The constitution was later amended to protect individuals over the excess of state power. 

The last topic in the video that particularly resonated with me was when they started to talk about the inner  workings of the Supreme Court. I had not learned much about it previously so I was interested to hear about what the video had to say. I was especially intrigued about the process of petitions and the sheer volume that they receive. I thought it was notable that they said that every petition gets the same individual consideration, no matter who it was from. It was also interesting that they said only about 100 petitions a year get re-reviewed by the Supreme Court, and that it has to be more than just one of the parties not liking the state level ruling, there has to be a bigger issue. 

Overall, this video did a good job highlighting the Supreme Court's history and processes. I did not necessarily understand how big of a role the Supreme Court had in the everyday processes of our government. It is a key component to our political structure that is often overshadowed by the other two branches of government, The Houses of Congress and the President of the United States. 

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