Monday, February 27, 2023

Age of AI

After watching this film, I honestly thought that it was very concerning to see just the severity of privacy invasion that exists in our world today due to the evolution of technology in our ever-changing world. This documentation clearly pointed out that there are pros and cons to living in a work with artificial intelligence.

Even though artificial intelligence has been evolving for decades, the recent developments have gained the public’s attention and gotten people thinking, “What are dangers of this technology, and how can I protect myself from it?”

Some of the biggest risks involving artificial intelligence have to go with consumer privacy, biased programming, danger to humans, and unclear legal regulation. Because this is an ever-changing field, the future of this technology is truly unknown. 

AI is an extreme threat to privacy because depending on the function, it requires an extreme amount of personal data to do its job. The biggest concern with AI having people’s data is the threat of identity theft and security breeches. 

Another big concern with the evolution of AI is that is it is making many jobs absolute. Many lower level jobs are now being able to be completed by robots or artificial intelligence. This job loss can create economic disruption 

Personally, I am very overwhelmed by the evolution of this high-tech artificial intelligence, and it makes me very uncomfortable just thinking about it. I do understand how it can be used for well intended purposes, but as we witnessed in the documentary, it is often used maliciously. I also do not like that as a consumer you are subjected to the privacy invasion whether you like it or not. I find the whole thing very uncomfortable and really wish it would be scaled back, but I unfortunately see the opposite happening in the future.  

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