Friday, February 17, 2023


I consider myself fairly engaged with the news, more than the average American. I tend to have a decent idea of what is going on in this country in terms of domestic and foreign policy events. This is mostly because I find it both interesting and important. I know that there are many American citizens, many of them falling into my demographic or similar that similar disregard the news altogether unless a major, life-altering event occurs. I think this is because, although informational, news media is still a source of entertainment and the industry is hungry for viewership.  

The anti-war news are not as action-packed and fear invoking as the mainstream media, therefore they would not gain the viewership that mainstream media would. They also are silenced by the media because they do not fall in line with the narrative that they are trying to push: that they citizens need to be scared. Any headline that creates fear, panic or drama will dominate the covers of any newspaper. You see this over and over again with Ukraine, Covid-19, China, and many other circumstances. 

Although I enjoy staying informed about what is going on in the world, mostly through podcasts and other news outlets (see my first post for more detail on my preferred media outlets), I do not actively seek out anti-war sources. I believe that I am not in the minority when it comes to that statement. It is so easy to be engulfed in the steady impact of mainstream media that we are faced with from all directions and sources. When it comes time to look at news stories, there is no reason to seek out additional sources because the mainstream ones are so conveniently accessible on your laptop and mobile devices, often with very eye-catching headlines. Notions promoting peace will never make the headlines because they will not gain the viewership needed to fund the media companies. 

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